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What to wear to your office Christmas Party

Posted by Joe Button on

It's Christmas Party season again but before you go on your jolly way to dress up with mistletoe stuck to your head or go for your 100th beer of the night, here are a few tips on what to wear to make an impression without being the embarassment of the firm for the next year.

1. Go for a shirt that has more color and character. You want to show that you can loosen up and have fun when the time calls for it. Wearing a more "stand-out" shirt creates the perfect balance between being too formal (tie & suit) and under-dressed (t-shirt and cargo pants).

2. Go for a pair of fitted pants that are not suit pants as you won't need a suit jacket. Grey is a good option as it goes well with lots of different coloured shirts.

3. Specs are in, especially thick frames, so if you're a glasses-wearer don't be shy to put them on this year. They'll make you look smarter in front of your boss and contact lenses may not be the best idea if you're going to be partying to the wee hours of the night.

4. A vintage-inspired leather strap watch doesn't always cost an arm and a leg. If you have one, wear it - it adds a touch of class to your entire get-up.

5. There's no better occasion to pull out your statement socks. They may not be appropriate when you're at a serious board meeting or job interview but after a few drinks, you'll definitely be getting some compliments.

6. Brown leather belt

7. Brown leather Oxfords go really well with grey pants and is a more casual option to black leather Oxfords.

8. Don't forget your credit cards. There's a high likelikhood that you'll lose your cash and you don't want to be that guy who can't make it home because you can't afford the cab home.

And just one final tip - yes it's the festive season and you're allowed a few drinks and of course you're there to have a good time but it's still a work function so don't do anything silly or R-rated or you might not be around to see the face of next year's Christmas party!

The shirt featured above is The Alfie.

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