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Style Advice Blog

5 Achievable Resolutions for 2012

Posted by Joe Button on

OK - so it's already the first week of January and if you've set up impossible new year's resolutions like "I will swim, run, kayak and box every day for the next 365 days" and already failed, fear not for it's not too late to do a revised version of these 2012 resolutions so that they're actually achievable. Here are 5 easy peasy new year's resolutions that will keep you stylish and grounded for the rest of the year.

#1 Make good first impressions - Research has shown that first impressions are made within the first 50 MILLISECONDS of meeting a new person so if you've got an important interview or are starting a new job this year, make sure you are dressed appropriately. Always ensure that you plan ahead so that you know what to wear to an interview the day before (instead of searching frantically 2 hours beforehand) and make sure that everything fits you perfectly because ill-fitted clothing can come off looking very sloppy.

#2 Quality not quantity
- We're probably all guilty of buying cheap things on impulse but this year, make sure that what you're buying is worth your buck. Don't go buying 10 polyester shirts that don't breathe and last 2 washes. Make sure your shirts are 100% cotton and not treated with potentially harmful chemicals like formaldehyde. Investment in quality will create greater savings in the long run (not to mention it will look infinitely better!).

#3 Spend less time Facebook Stalking - Don't obsess over how pretty, how rich, how many holidays, how big a ring so and so has - most people are filtering their Facebook profiles to show the world the good bits. Do what makes you happy, spend more time hanging out with your friends and family instead of facebook stalking people you hardly know. Keeping up with the Joneses is a never ending journey.

#4 Do something that's completely out of your comfort zone - No one is perfect and there's probably something you've always been afraid to do because you've been too self conscious, embarrassed or scared you're going to screw up. Just go and do it - chances are you're probably not as terrible as you thought you'd be and you'll feel fantastic about it afterwards!

#5 Put in some effort to always look your best - true, no one you know will see you with you hair unbrushed when you're just going to the corner store but if you keep this up, you'll start getting into the habit of lounging out in your pj's all day which might make you feel terrible about yourself. Do a tiny bit each day to give yourself that confidence booster when you look in the mirror.

Here at Joe Button, we've got a lot of things lined up for the new year! We'll be introducing a range of new fabrics and making some changes as requested by all of you. Make sure to stay tuned throughout the year - we can't wait to show you what we've been working on!!

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